All the polling numbers you see Obama vs. McCain are misleading. They are all asking the wrong question. The actual election this year is Obama vs. Palin and I can prove it. Sarah Palin is Blue. B. Hussein Obama is Red. John McCain is yellow. Using Google Trends you can graph the popularity of arbitrary keywords.
As you can see Sarah Palin has consistently been flying in the stratosphere since she was picked as McCain’s VP. While McCain and Obama battle it out at the ground level. Interestingly, the MSM’s bias is also visible here because while she holds the number one position in search volume. She is the least mentioned in news volume. I’ll make a prediction that if McCain wins it’ll only be because Palin is on the ticket. Without her, the conservative base would stay home.
One response to “Sarah Palin for the Win”
I guess the poll numbers were wrong. Obama won by a wider margin than the polling showed. That’s not to say that Palin doesn’t have a big future. She does and attacks from her possible Republican rivals are coming swiftly.
On HTH Gopher claims these post election attacks on her are coming from the “liberal media”. They are not. They are originating on Fox News and they are coming from Mitt Romney.
The stories right before the election about her shopping and being a diva came from within the McCain campaign it’s from Romney staffers. Laura Ingram has the inside scoop.