A tsunami of libertarian action took place in Hopkinsville Kentucky on December 4, 2020 when the Christian County Health Department suspended the food service license for a local restaurant.
The difference between an open tent on guidelines given from the CCHD and tent open 50%, which was said but never showed to us. The excuse the Health Department used is, the flyer is wrong but what I am telling you is right. We called the state health department for guidelines. Which we were directed to do so by our local health department. They had no idea to the references. Neither did building and codes which were referenced to call on the guideline print out that the health department gave to us.
The Village Facebook page, viewed 12/11/2020
The restaurant followed guidelines as they were written, but that is never good enough. The Governor and HD ask you and your customers to sit in a cold, drafty tent outside in freezing weather we know that no person in their right mind would ever do that. We were surprised though when we came back and found that you still had a few customers left sitting inside of your tent. So that means we have to ratchet the requirements further and tell you that you must have two sides of your tent completely open.
Support your small businesses, support those businesses that are being discriminated against because they don’t belong to a MEGA-CORP restaurant chain.
Especially Support Businesses That Draw a Line and Say….

The Village Restaurant | 100 Navaho Trail Hopkinsville, KY 42240 | Phone – 270-962-7430