Sweet! Samba Wins Unfettered Access to Docs
Groklaw – Samba Team Receives Microsoft Protocol Documentation No. This isn’t a bit like the Novell-Microsoft agreements. This is for access to Microsoft’s protocols, as ordered by the EU Commission and agreed to by Microsoft. It’s a good thing, in my opinion, and the Samba guys worked really hard to make this as good as…
ipw2200 Interrupts
Well, I finally found a post on the lkml about the same issues I’m experiencing. Even though I was wrong to say it was a CFS problem. It seems I should start poking around ACPI/CPU_IDLE bits.
tag and release
Just finished listening to Security Now! 121, which is about privacy in the modern world or the lack of it. The consensus between them was that it was impossible to be totally “off the grid” as it were. However, the privacy conscious individuals do have a choice. Nearly, all businesses have privacy statements that set…
Rhythmbox wakeups
Powertop is definitely having a positive effect. Since the initial post on the Rhythmbox mailing list idle wakeups have decreased dramatically. Rhythmbox 0.10.2 PowerTOP 1.9 (C) 2007 Intel Corporation Collecting data for 30 seconds Cn Avg residency C0 (cpu running) ( 0.7%) C1 0.0ms ( 0.0%) C2 39.1ms (50.1%) C3 0.6ms ( 0.0%) C4 25.3ms…
Earbud Lapel Clip?
Continuing with the theme of hiding the ipod when I’m not listening to it. I’m thinking of how to jury-rig something to clip to the collar that will hold the ear buds in easy reach. My thought is I want to clip the Shuffle clipped to the inside of my sleeve and run the earbuds…
I’m Buying Music Again – Buying Music Online and Off
I’m fortunate to have passed over the horrible period of the previous decade when the major music labels and the RIAA were at their worst. Suing their own customers, wrapping music in heavy DRM, and generally hastening the death of DRM as we have known it. 2007 should actually be known as the banner year…
I’m Buying Music Again – Choosing an ipod
It has been about six years or longer since I last bought a significant amount of music before this year. For the most part I stopped listening to the radio and have been mostly consumed with the dull work-a-day life. That is until I started seriously considering getting my first ipod. Since I started working…
Useful scripting from a non-expert
I’m not a programmer. It’s almost embarrassing how long it takes me to write a short script, but I am learning as I find new tasks that are scriptable. Finding scriptable tasks was my problem during my first attempts at learning Python while I was still on Windows. I remember learning Python and experimenting with…