Maintenance: package update
These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating world dependencies . … done! [ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.70 [2.69] USE=”nls” 1,814 kB [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.30-r1 [2.6.30] USE=”python readline -debug -doc -ipv6 -test” 0 kB [ebuild N ] app-admin/webapp-config-1.50.16-r1 102 kB [ebuild U ] sys-power/apcupsd-3.12.4 [3.10.18-r1] USE=”ncurses nls usb -cgi -doc -snmp -threads…
cost of a server
Using the P3 Kill-a-Watt I got for Christmas, I know that the tower, SimpleTech NAS, monitor, printer, switch, and the UPS itself all drew a total of 1.43 KwH in 24 hours. So lets consider what it would cost to run this setup for a year. 1.43 KwH * 365 days = 521.95 KwH/year Electric…
Maintenance: 8:00AM CST 1/10/2008
–sync failed last night because I didn’t change back to the correct settings. Though I was surprised it executed on Wednesday and not Thursday (45 5 * * 1,4). Isn’t 1,4 supposed to mean Monday and Thursday? My clock is set to UTC so 5:45AM is 11:45PM CST. ebrake@medusa ~ $ emerge -pvuDN world These…
Weird Gmail behavior
I finally got ssmtp working after fixing the mistakes in my config. I discovered, however, that email gets lost in Google when sending to a gmail address using gmail’s servers. Email works if I use gmail servers to send to a different service or I can use different servers to send to a gmail address.…
Slow Rsync Servers Need Love Too
Since getting my home server setup I’ve been struggling to increase the timeout during –sync. The server I’m using is a 400Mhz PII, 192MB of RAM tower that takes slightly longer to chew on a problem. At first I tried removing –compress and increasing –timeout in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS but the results weren’t very satisfying. So I…
2007 WD5 Odds, Now 1 in 28
Additional position observations for asteroid 2007 WD5 taken on December 29 through January 2 have been used to improve the accuracy of the asteroid’s orbit. As a result, the range of possible paths past Mars has narrowed by a factor of 3 and the most likely path has moved a little farther away from the…
Maintenance: Tue 1/8/2008 8:00AM CST
ebrake@medusa ~ $ emerge -pvuDN world These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating world dependencies… done! [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.30 USE=”python readline -debug -doc -ipv6 -test” 4,616 kB [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libcroco-0.6.1 USE=”-debug” 373 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gettext-0.17 USE=”acl%* nls openmp%* -doc -emacs -nocxx” 0 kB Total: 3 packages (2…
Feature Complete
My previous To-Do list is complete. Server changes will be made only during announced maintenance periods. Two issues to consider later is that the rsync server seems to timeout on the first attempt then it will work on later attempts. I’m unsure whether this is related to the slow pokey server. The other is that…