These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating world dependencies . ... done! [ebuild U ] app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.17 [0.1.16] USE="-caps" 0 kB [ebuild U ] sys-apps/which-2.19 [2.16] 0 kB [ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-4.3.29-r2 USE="-bootstrap -doc -java -nocxx -tcl -test" 0 kB [ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-2.4.4-r9 [2.4.4-r6] USE="berkdb gdbm ncurses readline ssl -bootstrap -build -doc -examples -ipv6 -nocxx -nothreads -tk -ucs2" 0 kB Total: 4 packages (3 upgrades, 1 in new slot), Size of downloads: 0 kB
Physical Changes
In preparation for getting my Ethernet tap wired up I bought two more NICs and installed them. The server now has three total. I made sure I bought the Linksys LNE100TX model so that all three cards use the tulip driver.