Author: Eric
Too Dang Early
As seen on September 25, 2010 at the JC Penny in Hopkinsville. It is too d— early to be putting up Christmas anywhere.
Murano Passes Aggressive Crash Test
Early this morning, an elderly woman drove her Nissan Murano through the front door of the Hopkinsville Post Office. Neither the driver or USPS employees were seriously injured. This incident raises several questions. Why is it so common for people to crash their cars into buildings while they are maneuvering in a parking lot? Elderly…
Suffer the Consequences of Political Correctness
In April of this year the Transportation Director for Christian County Public Schools was terminated due to allegations of sexual harrassment. The Board of Education did not even have the courage to say publicly why Elzie Pollard was being canned. HUNEYCUTT SAID SHE COULD NOT COMMENT ON WHY POLLARD WAS PLACED ON LEAVE OR WHEN…
Worse Than Herding Cats
During the previous weekend, I was up to my neck in a sea of preteens. I was asked to lead a group of children through vacation bible school to each of their stations. The whole experience was an ordeal best left as an annual event because it takes a year to recover from it. ;)
Spam bots Held Hostage
Some spam comments are just gibberish, others attempt to flatter me with generic praise. On Sunday, I received a unique comment via the church blog begging me not to ignore it. HELP! I’m currently being held prisoner by the Russian mafia xyzrxyz [deleted] enlargement xyzrxyz and being forced to post spam comments on blogs and…
AT&T Gets the Last Laugh
Last week AT&T posted this sign on Skyline drive announcing a possible site for a new cell tower. I only find it interesting because the New Wave Communications cable office will be directly in the shadow of this tower. New Wave and AT&T already have a significant amount of history together. I don’t know what…
Work Now solves the Wrong Problem the Wrong Way
President Obama sprinkled some more money from Heaven his Stash. The Work Now program offered by the WKWIB subsidizes the wages of unemployed parents for a two month period. Julie Andrews claims these employees are ‘free’ to the employers who hire these temporary workers but this is not true and it never will be true.…
Why is America Different?
Remember what Independence day means; despite what our post-American President says. America is unique among all the nations of the world. Below are a selection of photos from the West KY State Fair’s fireworks display. I have many more posted on Picasa. Using a small table top tripod I was able to keep the camera…