Author: Eric
Bear Spring Furnace
This is one of those things I see on the roadside. As I drive past I wonder what is that? I like to turn around if I have time and take a few photos. The historical plaque next to the stone structure states: Joseph and Robert Woods and Thomas Yeatman built the first charcoal cold-blast…
Dodge Coronet Interceptor Found on the Roadside
I completed a work order in Benton Kentucky, on my way back home I stopped to look at a cool antique car. The car is a Dodge Coronet 440 that has been painted to be a police interceptor from “Hazard County”. The vehicle appears to be an original police car because remnants of police hardware…
My Visit to Metropolis Illinois
I have been working as a technician since 2017. I have completed work orders in Paducah, KY but I have never had a reason to go across the Ohio river into Illinois. April 7th was my opportunity. The big Superman statue is 15 feet tall and weighs 2 tons. The statue is awesome and I…
The Family
“You’ll be here for the White Clown tonight, and the ladies coming over?” cried Mildred. Montag stopped at the door, with his back turned. “Millie?” A silence “What?” “Millie? Does the White Clown love you?” No answer. “Millie, does–” He licked his lips. “Does your `family’ love you, love you very much, love you with…
BB&T Bank Long Lines
BB&T closed the Millbrooke branch in Hopkinsville, KY permanently. With the Ft Campbell Blvd branch also closed today. This was the only open branch in town. I closed my checking account because of sheit like this. I still have a mortgage and I would close that too if I could. BB&T does not deserve one…
Massive Breakout of Libertarians in KY City
Update: The Village Restaurant agrees to serve strictly carry-out, but tent stays up, both sides declare victory. A tsunami of libertarian action took place in Hopkinsville Kentucky on December 4, 2020 when the Christian County Health Department suspended the food service license for a local restaurant. The difference between an open tent on guidelines given…
Animal Farm
Contractor Arrives Unprepared becomes a COVID-19 Stat
Male “Karen” Cancels His Flooring Contractor This opinion piece was published by the Hoptown Chronicle on June 23, 2020. I read it and thought neither the author nor the contractor were acting rationally. The author lives within an Establishment belief system that probably includes listening to NPR, network or cable news. Your not wearing a…