We haven’t had floods in the Hopkinsville area, but it has rained every day for the last week or more. When it isn’t raining, the sky stays gray. […]
I suppose this spate of rain is an equinox storm or as it was called in older times, a “line storm”. According to Bulfinch’s Mythology, the cooler weather that’s coming after the line storm is a signal of a cool winter that will last until the next equinox.
I like the anecdotal evidence that Mrs. Netz dug up. I’m already convinced that we will have a colder, snowier winter this year. President Obama spoke a bald-faced lie when he said that shrinking islands were causing hordes of climate refugees and greater conflict around the world. Looking at the photos posted at Prairie Bluestem inspired me to go out this morning when there was thick fog to take some of my own.
All three photos were taken at an intersection on a country road in Christian County.